Should we stop being embarrassed? Taylor Swift told graduates in New York to “embrace their cringe”. But many think it is more intelligent to possess a modicum of shyness.
'Learn to live with cringe' says Swift
Should we stop being embarrassed? Taylor Swift told graduates in New York to "embrace their cringe". But many think it is more intelligent to possess a modicum of shyness.
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The word cringe comes from the Old EnglishThe language spoken by Anglo-Saxons in England between the 5th and 12th centuries, when it evolved into Middle English. It is largely incomprehensible to modern English speakers. term cringan, meaning to bend. In Modern English, it first meant the physical action of hiding one's head. More recently, it has come to mean an inward shiver of embarrassment or disgust.
Almost everyone feels embarrassed sometimes. The physical reactions are the same in everyone. As psychologist Philippa Perry explains: "We're trying to curl ourselves in to appear smaller". It is as if we want the ground to swallow us whole.
The power of cringe is such that it can remain with us through life. In her novel Shirley, Charlotte Bronte described: "small but sharp recollections that return, lacerating your self-respect like tiny penknives, and forcing from your lips, as you sit alone, sudden, insane-sounding interjections."
For Charles Darwin, blushing in embarrassment was pointless. He wrote: "It makes the blusher suffer and the beholder uncomfortable, without being of the least service to either of them".
History is filled with examples of those who have ignored social embarrassment to go against the grain. The Ancient Greek philosopher Diogenes became famous for living in a large ceramic jar. The Syrian ascetic Simeon the Stylite spent 37 years living on a pillar. He became a saint and inspired others to follow his path.
Those who can overcome embarrassment have shaped the world. German theologian Martin Luther thought up his Ninety-five ThesesIn 1517, Luther nailed this document to the doors of All Saints' Church in Wittenberg, now in Germany. The event is often called the beginning of the Reformation. on the lavatory - and often wrote about doing so. If he had cringed at sharing his toilet thoughts, the Reformation might never have happened.
Others argue that embarrassment plays a useful social role in our lives. Experiments have found that people tend to choose to work with, befriend and date those willing to blush. As behavioural psychologist Matthew Feinberg says: "it could show that you are prosocialBehaviour that helps others, such as acts of kindness., cooperative - someone who isn't going to cheat."
Some even claim that cringing is a key part of our identity as humans. Biologists have observed that apes blush when they want to apologise or back down. Perry calls it "part of being human". Humour is often based around cringing at the behaviour of others. As David Robson writes: "The only thing worse than feeling embarrassed may be to never feel it at all."
Yes: Ancient humans feel embarrassment because they needed to stick together for safety. In the modern world, though, we have the chance to live how we want without cringing - and we should take it.
No: Shame feels bad, but being shameless is worse. Embarrassment is much the same. A momentary wince may feel bad, but the perspective it gives us on our emotions and actions is invaluable.
Or... It is not about whether we should stop, but whether we can. Cringing is hard-wired into our system. As long as we have emotions, some things will make us squirm no matter how much we try not to.
Should we stop being embarrassed?
Commencement ceremony - In US universities, students who have recently finished their degree celebrate at a commencement ceremony.
Old English - The language spoken by Anglo-Saxons in England between the 5th and 12th centuries, when it evolved into Middle English. It is largely incomprehensible to modern English speakers.
Ninety-five theses - In 1517, Luther nailed this document to the doors of All Saints' Church in Wittenberg, now in Germany. The event is often called the beginning of the Reformation.
Prosocial - Behaviour that helps others, such as acts of kindness.
‘Learn to live with cringe’ says Swift
Commencement ceremony - In US universities, students who have recently finished their degree celebrate at a commencement ceremony.
Old English - The language spoken by Anglo-Saxons in England between the 5th and 12th centuries, when it evolved into Middle English. It is largely incomprehensible to modern English speakers.
Ninety-five theses - In 1517, Luther nailed this document to the doors of All Saints’ Church in Wittenberg, now in Germany. The event is often called the beginning of the Reformation.
Prosocial - Behaviour that helps others, such as acts of kindness.