Would you like to have six arms or a tail? It sounds ridiculous but a top biologist and expert on limb regeneration believes this, and much much more, might soon be possible.
Leap for science as frogs regrow lost legs
Would you like to have six arms or a tail? It sounds ridiculous but a top biologist and expert on limb regeneration believes this, and much much more, might soon be possible.
<h5 id="would-you-like-to-have-six-arms-or-a-tail" class=" eplus-wrapper">Would you like to have six arms or a tail?</h5>
Amputated - Cutting off a limb in a surgical operation.
Salamanders - A group of amphibians with a lizard-like appearance.
Humans - When humans lose limbs, they develop scar tissue. The scar tissue protects us from infection and blood loss, but it also prevents the limb from regrowing.
Flatworm - The planarian, a type of flatworm, can naturally regenerate if it is cut apart.
Leap for science as frogs regrow lost legs
Amputated - Cutting off a limb in a surgical operation.
Salamanders - A group of amphibians with a lizard-like appearance.
Humans - When humans lose limbs, they develop scar tissue. The scar tissue protects us from infection and blood loss, but it also prevents the limb from regrowing.
Flatworm - The planarian, a type of flatworm, can naturally regenerate if it is cut apart.