Would you like to have six arms or a tail? Scientists have helped a frog grow a whole new leg after it lost one. The science could help human patients too.
Leap for science as frogs regrow lost legs
Would you like to have six arms or a tail? Scientists have helped a frog grow a whole new leg after it lost one. The science could help human patients too.
What's happening?
Scientists have helped a frog grow a new leg. They hope they can use the same science to help humans.
An African Clawed Frog in America was missing a leg. Scientists gave it medicines. The frog grew a new leg. It only took 18 months.
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Scientists used examples from nature. Lizards can regrow tails. Human livers can grow back.
The medicines could be helpful for us. Lots of people are missing arms or legs. This could help them. And it might be fun too! We could grow extra arms.
Would you like to have six arms or a tail?
Yes! It would be great. You could do all sorts of tasks at once. We should all grow more body parts!
No. This is silly. The medicine will help people who really need it. It is dangerous to use it in unnatural ways. We should be careful.