Could they come to life? A group of brain cells grown by scientists successfully taught itself to play the video game Pong. Now, some are wondering what it might be able to do in the future.
Lab-made brain cells learn to play video game
Could they come to life? A group of brain cells grown by scientists successfully taught itself to play the video game Pong. Now, some are wondering what it might be able to do in the future.
<h2 class=" eplus-wrapper">What's happening? </h2>
The scientists could not believe what they were seeing. The video game was up and running and the player was doing well - really well. The video game was Pong, a 1970s tennis classic. And the player was a group of brain cellsThe smallest bit of a plant or animal that can live on its own. made by scientists.
Scientists call the 800,000 brain cells a "mini-brain". When plugged into the video game, the mini-brain learned to play in five minutes.
The mini-brain does not have feelings like humans. Instead, some call it a "thinking system": it is given information and then uses that information to change things.
For now, the mini-brain can only play simple games. But scientists could one day create a much more advancedModern, new and up-to-date. version.
Could they come to life?
<h2 class=" eplus-wrapper">Find out more</h2>
Yes! The scientists must be very careful. The cells are like the early days of computers. They are slow now, but could do amazing things very soon.
No! The brain cells will never come to life and show feelings in the same way that humans can. They can only do simple things.
Cells - The smallest bit of a plant or animal that can live on its own.
Advanced - Modern, new and up-to-date.
Lab-made brain cells learn to play video game
Cells - The smallest bit of a plant or animal that can live on its own.
Advanced - Modern, new and up-to-date.