ISISThe name originally belonged to a goddess worshipped in Ancient Egypt, but became tainted by association with Islamic State terrorists. is responsible for killing and injuring thousands of people. It also carried out several terrorist attacks in Europe.
ISIS bride: people should have sympathy for me
ISISThe name originally belonged to a goddess worshipped in Ancient Egypt, but became tainted by association with Islamic State terrorists. is responsible for killing and injuring thousands of people. It also carried out several terrorist attacks in Europe.
Word Watch
The group has almost been defeated. Two years ago, it controlled vast areas of SyriaA Middle Eastern country that was the site of much of the fighting during the Crusades. and IraqA country in the Middle East with a population of 43.5m. . Now it is locked in a final battle in a couple of villages in the north-east of Syria. Many of its members have fled, including Shamima Begum.
Last weekend she gave birth to a baby boy. She says she thinks people should have "sympathy" for her and her child. "I can't live in this camp forever."
However, she also says she has no regrets about joining the violent group. She said she "never did anything dangerous."
The UK government does not agree. It wants to take away her British citizenship so she cannot return. Is this right?
Absolutely. ISIS is a despicable, evil group. Having chosen to renounce Britain for terrorists, she must live with her choice - particularly given her lack of regret. She still seems to agree with the ideas behind ISIS, which means bringing her home could put lots of ordinary Britons at risk. She must face the consequences of her actions.
No, she should be allowed to come home. She was brainwashed by ISIS when she was still a child. It will be much safer to bring her home and teach her about why her actions were wrong. She is also a citizen of the UK, which means the UK has a responsibility to look after her, no matter what she has done. Not to do so would be breaking international law.
Refugee camp: A refugee is someone who has fled their home country due to war or persecution. Refugee camps are temporary places for them to live.
Terrorist: Someone who uses violence to scare people for political reasons.
Sympathy: Feelings of pity or sorrow.
Regrets: Wishing you had not done something.
Citizen: A member of a particular country, who has all of the rights which come with that.
Despicable: Extremely bad and deserving of hate.
Renounce: Abandon.
Isis - The name originally belonged to a goddess worshipped in Ancient Egypt, but became tainted by association with Islamic State terrorists.
Syria - A Middle Eastern country that was the site of much of the fighting during the Crusades.
Iraq - A country in the Middle East with a population of 43.5m.
ISIS bride: people should have sympathy for me
Isis - The name originally belonged to a goddess worshipped in Ancient Egypt, but became tainted by association with Islamic State terrorists.
Syria - A Middle Eastern country that was the site of much of the fighting during the Crusades.
Iraq - A country in the Middle East with a population of 43.5m.