Has life become too boring? “In rich countries we have everything we need and nothing we want'' goes the complaint. Is removing risk, pain and authenticity a terrible mistake? Cooks around the world know the pain. First, the smell. Then the stinging. Finally, the tears. Chopping onions is a universal nightmare. There have been dozens of solutions: super-sharp knives, microwaving – even wearing a pair of cooking gogglesProtective goggles have been shown to reduce and delay the effects of synpropanethial-S-oxide, but not to stop it altogether.. But none seem to fix the problem.
No tears but new onion sparks angry outcry
Cooks around the world know the pain. First, the smell. Then the stinging. Finally, the tears. Chopping onions is a universal nightmare. There have been dozens of solutions: super-sharp knives, microwaving - even wearing a pair of cooking gogglesProtective goggles have been shown to reduce and delay the effects of synpropanethial-S-oxide, but not to stop it altogether.. But none seem to fix the problem.
But red eyes could soon be a thing of the past. The world's first "tearless" onions are on sale now.
Sunions were invented by plant breeder Rick Watson. Using natural techniques rather than genetic modification, he spent 30 years reducing the chemical that irritates the eyes, synpropanethial-S-oxide.
But food critics are not altogether impressed by the new variety. Some have described it as tasteless, while The Washington Post declared Sunions to be "sweet enough that you could sit there and eat them like popcorn".
For some, Sunions embody everything that is wrong with life. We have removed every natural thing that inconveniences us. What remains is unchallenging and bland.
Our apples look beautiful but they have little flavour. We cover lawns in fake grass so we don't have to mow them - or get muddy. We use fake Christmas trees so we don't have to hoover up pine needles.
And it is not just in our own homes. Health and safety laws forbid all kinds of risky activities. One school in the north of England banned running in the playground in case someone fell over. A Yorkshire council banned flying kites because they could hit a bystander.
The result? A society where everything is easy, but nothing is exciting.
"I know I have a pretty great life. But I feel like I don't enjoy it," said one Reddit user with a good job and lots of money.
Others agree, author Ross Douthat is one of them. In his book The DecadentLuxurious and self-indulging. Society, he argues that people are generally comfortable in life but have no sense of purpose. Above all, he says, they lack spirituality and intellectual adventure.
Psychologist Wijnand van Tilburg believes boredom can be positive. He argues it can motivate people to seek out difficult or unpleasant tasks that will help others, like donating blood.
Fellow psychologist John Eastwood agrees: "To feel you can have an effect on the world and the things in life that make sense, these are inherentlyEssentially or unfailingly. It comes from the Latin word haerere, meaning to stick. important things for human beings - just like sunlight, fresh air and food."
<h5 class=" eplus-wrapper">Has life become too boring?</h5>
Yes: We live in an overprotective society where there is little room for adventure. And the lockdowns of the past two years have made things even worse.
No: There is no reason for anyone to be bored when there is so much entertainment at our fingertips. We should not complain about being safe - it is good to be protected in such dangerous times.
Or...? Being bored is not altogether a bad thing. It gives you a chance to think things over and stimulates creativity. The Chinese curse "May you live in interesting times" makes a lot of sense.
Cooking goggles - Protective goggles have been shown to reduce and delay the effects of synpropanethial-S-oxide, but not to stop it altogether.
Decadent - Luxurious and self-indulging.
Inherently - Essentially or unfailingly. It comes from the Latin word haerere, meaning to stick.
No tears but new onion sparks angry outcry

Cooking goggles - Protective goggles have been shown to reduce and delay the effects of synpropanethial-S-oxide, but not to stop it altogether.
Decadent - Luxurious and self-indulging.
Inherently - Essentially or unfailingly. It comes from the Latin word haerere, meaning to stick.