Can small changes make enough difference? Electricity-saving tips are in as energy bills skyrocket for millions worldwide. But can individuals really solve this looming crisis?
Fuel price rise strikes fear across the world
Can small changes make enough difference? Electricity-saving tips are in as energy bills skyrocket for millions worldwide. But can individuals really solve this looming crisis?
Governments want us to use less fuel. Gas prices in Europe are at record levels. In the UK, expert Martin Lewis warns, "people will die this winter," unable to heat their homes.
The UK government says energy use is a "decision for individuals", but everyone should try to reduce consumption.
Research shows UK households can follow energy-saving tips to cut their gas bill by 31%. Media and charities are offering advice.
Persuading people to make better choices is the big idea behind behavioural economics. Governments have set up nudge unitsThe first was set up by the UK government in 2010 and is called the Behavioural Insights Team. Since then, over 200 institutions globally have applied behavioural insights to public policy. and employ psychologists to develop policies.
But does it work? Supporters say it has enormous potential. For example, only 30% opt-in to organ donation schemes. But when you have to actively opt-out, 85-90% agree to be donors. A nudge makes organ donation the norm.
Other techniques include simplifying choices, applying social pressure1, displaying health warnings, and offering reminders2.
A nudge campaign to persuade everyone to turn down their thermostat by 2 degrees would save 14% on gas bills. Showers with a low-flow shower head could cut another four per cent.
But a recent review of 212 studies found "no evidence" that nudges work. Its effect is no greater than a placeboPatients may report feeling better after taking treatments with no medical value. This is called the placebo effect. In order to distinguish between perceived and actual effects of a new treatment, researchers will test a placebo or "sham" alongside the real treatment - and compare the results. or statistical noiseUnexplained variations in real-life experiments..
Former supporters of nudge theory, Nick Chater and George Loewenstein, now have doubts. "Progress," they say, requires system-wide change. We need more than "hints and tips in a hostile world".
Half of UK households may be in fuel povertyWhen a household spends more than 10% of their income on heating or is unable to afford to adequately heat their home. by January. Many do not want advice. They want action.
Half a million have joined a campaign demanding price cuts. Another 100,000 have pledged to stop paying their bills on 1 October.
A bleak winter may decide whether individual behaviour or collective action can solve the world's energy crisis.
Can small changes make enough difference?
Yes: Behavioural economics shows us that if millions of people change their habits it can have an enormous impact on society. And change is infectious - the more we see it, the more we want to change too.
No: It is easy for governments to tell individuals to use less energy. But when families cannot afford to heat their homes through the winter, they need financial help, not tips and tricks.
Or... In reality, we need to change the system and individual behaviour - at the same time. In a fair society, everyone behaves responsibly and there is support for those who need it.
Nudge units - The first was set up by the UK government in 2010 and is called the Behavioural Insights Team. Since then, over 200 institutions globally have applied behavioural insights to public policy.
Placebo - Patients may report feeling better after taking treatments with no medical value. This is called the placebo effect. In order to distinguish between perceived and actual effects of a new treatment, researchers will test a placebo or "sham" alongside the real treatment - and compare the results.
Statistical noise - Unexplained variations in real-life experiments.
Fuel poverty - When a household spends more than 10% of their income on heating or is unable to afford to adequately heat their home.
Fuel price rise strikes fear across the world
Nudge units - The first was set up by the UK government in 2010 and is called the Behavioural Insights Team. Since then, over 200 institutions globally have applied behavioural insights to public policy.
Placebo - Patients may report feeling better after taking treatments with no medical value. This is called the placebo effect. In order to distinguish between perceived and actual effects of a new treatment, researchers will test a placebo or "sham" alongside the real treatment - and compare the results.
Statistical noise - Unexplained variations in real-life experiments.
Fuel poverty - When a household spends more than 10% of their income on heating or is unable to afford to adequately heat their home.