Is noise the key to creativity? Silence can help people to think clearly. But research suggests noise in the brain also helps us to use imagination.
Eureka! Random thoughts lead to big ideas
Is noise the key to creativity? Silence can help people to think clearly. But research suggests noise in the brain also helps us to use imagination.
<h2 class=" eplus-wrapper">What's happening?</h2>
Albert EinsteinA German-born physicist, whose work in the early 20th Century revolutionised scientific understanding of the world. was struggling to find answers to the mystery of time. One day, he heard a clock strike. It sparked an idea in his mind. He had found the answer!
Our brains are constantly making sense of huge amounts of information. Sometimes, it can be hard to focusThink about one thing clearly. . We start to daydream instead.
It can be hard to work in loud places, with lots of distractions. Some problems need total focus.
But some experts say noise in the background can make the mind work harder. MultitaskingDoing many different tasks at once. can create lots of "crazy ideas". Afterwards, in a quiet space, you can sort through these ideas and find the best ones.
Is noise the key to creativity?
<h2 class=" eplus-wrapper">Find out more</h2>
Yes! We need some noise around us to inspire us. If you sat in a quiet, empty room, it would be difficult to come up with new ideas.
No! Of course not. It is almost impossible to focus and get work done when you are distracted by noise.
Albert Einstein - A German-born physicist, whose work in the early 20th Century revolutionised scientific understanding of the world.
Focus - Think about one thing clearly.
Multitasking - Doing many different tasks at once.
Eureka! Random thoughts lead to big ideas

Albert Einstein - A German-born physicist, whose work in the early 20th Century revolutionised scientific understanding of the world.
Focus - Think about one thing clearly.
Multitasking - Doing many different tasks at once.