Do eyewitness reports change history? This terrifying, first-hand account of journalists on Russia’s most-wanted list is already being hailed as a classic of the genre.
Escape from Mariupol: a true story
Do eyewitness reports change history? This terrifying, first-hand account of journalists on Russia's most-wanted list is already being hailed as a classic of the genre.
Do eyewitness reports change history?
Yes: Public opinion is hugely important in guiding events, and eyewitness reports help shape it. Vivid accounts of the Blitz played an important role in persuading the US to enter World War Two.
No: Eyewitness reports stir up emotion, but the crucial decisions are made by hard-headed politicians who work out what can actually be achieved. Chernov and Maloletka's reports will not save Mariupol.
Or... Eyewitness reports may not make a difference at the time, but are incredibly valuable afterwards, both for historians and for prosecutors who are trying to bring war criminals to justice.
Scrubs - The clothes worn by medical staff.
Russian target - The city is strategically important because of its position on the Sea of Azov, which connects to the Black Sea.
Managed to get out - Most people stayed, according to Chernov, because they did not believe that the war would actually happen.
Faked - Both the Russian embassy in London and the Russian ambassador to the UN tried to discredit the report.
Safety - The journalists escaped the city in a convoy of civilian cars, but had to pass through 15 Russian checkpoints.
Anthology - A collection, usually of writing. It derives from a Greek word for a collection of flowers.
Escape from Mariupol: a true story
Scrubs - The clothes worn by medical staff.
Russian target - The city is strategically important because of its position on the Sea of Azov, which connects to the Black Sea.
Managed to get out - Most people stayed, according to Chernov, because they did not believe that the war would actually happen.
Faked - Both the Russian embassy in London and the Russian ambassador to the UN tried to discredit the report.
Safety - The journalists escaped the city in a convoy of civilian cars, but had to pass through 15 Russian checkpoints.
Anthology - A collection, usually of writing. It derives from a Greek word for a collection of flowers.