Are we ignoring the true damage of war? The human impact of the war in Ukraine is keeping us all up at night, but the conflict also casts a menacing shadow over wildlife and the climate.
Dolphins become Putin's latest victims
Are we ignoring the true damage of war? The human impact of the war in Ukraine is keeping us all up at night, but the conflict also casts a menacing shadow over wildlife and the climate.
<h2 class=" eplus-wrapper">What's happening?</h2>
Climate experts are very worried. Dead dolphins are washing up on the shores of Ukrainian beaches - far more than normal.
Why are so many dying? Scientists think that the dolphins are being hurt by sonarA way to find objects underwater by sending out sound pulses and measuring how they return after being reflected by items. used by Russian submarines.
The war in Ukraine has hurt many people. Homes have been ruined. Families have been torn apart. Lives have been lost.
But there is another problem too. The war is hurting Ukraine's environmentThe natural world. and could even be causing climate changeLong-term shifts in temperatures and weather patterns. Human action is a major cause of climate change..
Many animals and plants are in danger as the places they live are destroyed. More greenhouse gasesGreenhouse gases, which increase the atmosphere's capacity to hold heat, are vital to life on Earth: without them the planet would be freezing. But human activity is disturbing the delicate balance that created the conditions for life as we know it. Carbon dioxide is responsible for 60% of the manmade greenhouse effect, but we also produce smaller quantities of methane, ozone and nitrous oxide, which are even more damaging. are being released during fighting.
And explosions and ruined buildings are leaking dangerous chemicals into the air.
This is a big problem in Ukraine. But it is not the only place fighting a war - this is happening all around the world.
<h2 class=" eplus-wrapper">Find out more</h2>
Are we ignoring the true damage of war?
Yes! The cost of war to the climate will last for many years. Climate change is one of the biggest problems of our time. We need to take it seriously.
No! We should think about the humans first and how we can help them. Then we can think about the climate.
Sonar - A way to find objects underwater by sending out sound pulses and measuring how they return after being reflected by items.
Environment - The natural world.
Climate change - Long-term shifts in temperatures and weather patterns. Human action is a major cause of climate change.
Greenhouse gases - Greenhouse gases, which increase the atmosphere's capacity to hold heat, are vital to life on Earth: without them the planet would be freezing. But human activity is disturbing the delicate balance that created the conditions for life as we know it. Carbon dioxide is responsible for 60% of the manmade greenhouse effect, but we also produce smaller quantities of methane, ozone and nitrous oxide, which are even more damaging.
Dolphins become Putin’s latest victims

Sonar - A way to find objects underwater by sending out sound pulses and measuring how they return after being reflected by items.
Environment - The natural world.
Climate change - Long-term shifts in temperatures and weather patterns. Human action is a major cause of climate change.
Greenhouse gases - Greenhouse gases, which increase the atmosphere's capacity to hold heat, are vital to life on Earth: without them the planet would be freezing. But human activity is disturbing the delicate balance that created the conditions for life as we know it. Carbon dioxide is responsible for 60% of the manmade greenhouse effect, but we also produce smaller quantities of methane, ozone and nitrous oxide, which are even more damaging.