Should we all learn sign language? A film about a girl who grows up with deaf parents has won a huge prize. Some say it will inspire lots of people to learn to sign.
Deaf actors star in historic Oscar hit
Should we all learn sign language? A film about a girl who grows up with deaf parents has won a huge prize. Some say it will inspire lots of people to learn to sign.
<h2 class=" eplus-wrapper">What's happening?</h2>
CODA is a film that came out last year. It is about a deaf family.
On Sunday, it won a big prize called an OscarThe popular name for the Academy Awards, referring to the gold-plated statuette of a medieval knight given to winners..
Ruby is the main character. She is 17.
<h2 class=" eplus-wrapper">Find out more</h2>
In Ruby's family, everyone is deaf. Apart from Ruby.
At school, she joins the choir. To her surprise, she learns to love singing.
The actors in the film hope CODA will inspire people to learn sign language.
<h5 class=" eplus-wrapper">Should we all learn sign language?</h5>
Yes! Sign languages are very expressive. And learning one makes us able to talk more easily to lots of deaf people.
No. We do not need to learn the whole language. But everyone can learn a few phrases!
Oscar - The popular name for the Academy Awards, referring to the gold-plated statuette of a medieval knight given to winners.
Deaf actors star in historic Oscar hit
Oscar - The popular name for the Academy Awards, referring to the gold-plated statuette of a medieval knight given to winners.