Will democracy survive? Experts warn 2023 could be the year that rule by the people comes to an end. But some think free societies are actually stronger than ever.
Crystal ball: decline of the thugocrats
Will democracy survive? Experts warn 2023 could be the year that rule by the people comes to an end. But some think free societies are actually stronger than ever.
<h2 class=" eplus-wrapper">What's happening?</h2>
A battle between two systems of rule lasting for hundreds, if not thousands, of years. But now, some say 2023 could be the year that dictatorsRulers with total power over a country. win and democracyA system of government based on the idea of rule by the people. loses.
2022 was not a quiet year. Many huge powers - run by leaders without the agreement of the people - looked stronger than ever. Russia invaded its neighbour, Ukraine. And Iran wants to build its own nuclear weaponsA bomb or other weapon that uses nuclear energy to cause a big explosion. .
<h2 class=" eplus-wrapper">Find out more </h2>
Democracies looked weak. In November, many candidates who ran in elections in the USAThe United States of America is a country in North America. It has a population of 329 million. claimed that Donald Trump was the real winner of the 2020 presidential elections. It is not true.
Others say that it is actually dictatorships that are weak. Russia lost many soldiers and failed to win its war against a smaller country. China and Iran both saw big protests.
<h5 class=" eplus-wrapper">Will democracy survive?</h5>
Yes! Dictators have seen protests in countries all around the world. People will always want democracy.
No! Most dictators are becoming more powerful, not less powerful. Democracies will always fail one day.
Dictators - Rulers with total power over a country.
Democracy - A system of government based on the idea of rule by the people.
Nuclear weapons - A bomb or other weapon that uses nuclear energy to cause a big explosion.
USA - The United States of America is a country in North America. It has a population of 329 million.
Crystal ball: decline of the thugocrats

Dictators - Rulers with total power over a country.
Democracy - A system of government based on the idea of rule by the people.
Nuclear weapons - A bomb or other weapon that uses nuclear energy to cause a big explosion.
USA - The United States of America is a country in North America. It has a population of 329 million.