Could there be a Christmas rebellion? As Britain faces a cruel winter, some say they will ignore coronavirus restrictions over the festive season, threatening government authority.
‘Crazy talk’: critics decry Christmas lockdown
Could there be a Christmas rebellion? As Britain faces a cruel winter, some say they will ignore coronavirus restrictions over the festive season, threatening government authority.
CavalcadesA formal procession, based on the Italian word for horse-riding. of cars chugging up the M4, only to be sent home at the Welsh border. Elderly relatives waved at through closed windows. Turkeys and puddings eaten outside in the freezing cold.
Christmas might be rather different this year. Under the UK government's pandemic rules, people who do not live together must meet in the open air. Gatherings must stick to the rule of sixThe UK government has ruled it illegal for more than six people to gather in a group, with some exemptions. Some scientists have critiqued the rule as arbitrary.. In those regions under stricter restrictions, even visiting one's family is forbidden.
The prospect of a cancelled Christmas has alarmed some. "The idea of potentially not being able to sit around a table with my daughters and in-laws," said actor Danny Dyer, "is crazy talk to me".
Many agree with him. On Tuesday, BBC presenter Victoria Derbyshire apologised for saying she would spend Christmas with her seven-strong family. A letter penned by the Lib Dems to Britain's devolved governments asks them to "accept the inevitability" of festive travel between different regions.
Then dissentTo hold or express opinions against a prevailing idea or policy, once used in England and Wales describe those who rejected the Anglican church. may augur a dwindling of government authority. "I'll be looking at the science," claims writer Sathnam Sanghera in The Times, "rather than trusting the guidance of this chaotic and cynical government". By not consenting to the rules, Sanghera is contesting the legitimacy of the rule-makers themselves.
The idea that governments are validated by the consent of the governedThe idea that a government's right to use state power is only justified when the people on which such power is exerted give their consent. dates back to the medieval Italian scholar Marsilius of Padua. It gained traction as Europeans explored democratic political systems. "The power of kings and magistrates," wrote English poet and revolutionary John MiltonMilton, who is renowned for his epic poem Paradise Lost, was writing to justify the execution of King Charles I. in 1649, "is nothing else, but what is only derivative, transferred and committed to them in trust from the people, to the common goodThat which is shared and beneficial for all or most members of a community. Many philosophers have provided definitions over the centuries. of them all".
On this basis, a Christmas revolt is quite possible. In October, one academic paper found that 56% surveyed claimed "no confidence on balance" in the country's Covid-19 response. If the public does not trust the government to act in the public's interest, it has the right to tussle against its rulings.
In this, they have a precedentAn earlier event that is seen as an example or guide to be considered in later similar circumstances.. In March, senior government adviser Dominic Cummings appeared to break lockdown rules on a cross-country trip. If he ignored restrictions he was involved in creating during the spring peak of coronavirus, then what obliges members of the public to adhere to them over Christmas?
On the other hand, the government could preempt turmoil by changing its own rules. Civil disobedience over Christmas would be an embarrassing occurrence, both at home and internationally. It would severely damage the government's claim to govern for the governed.
By easing restrictions over Christmas, the government could appear to be responding to the will of its citizens. It is, after all, no stranger to such changes, as u-turns over its track and trace app, free school meals, and exam results have already demonstrated this year. Lockdown exemptions for Christmas could, temporarily at least, restore the populace's consent.
<h5 class="eplus-Pky5Uo">Could there be a Christmas rebellion?</h5>
It's possible, say some. The government's performance in the pandemic so far has dented their authority, and Christmas has already become a hot topic. Several influential public figures already have openly declared an intention to disavow the rules. Unless the government changes tact and makes special allowances for the holidays, it is inevitable that people will decide to take the law into their own hands.
Impossible, say others. The government will not let it happen. Its sovereignty derives from the consent of the governed. A mass withdrawal of consent would challenge the government's claim to authority. Rather than risk this loss of legitimacy - not to mention the headache of social unrest and consequential loss of faith - ministers will swerve to forestall a rebellion before allowing it to happen.
Cavalcades - A formal procession, based on the Italian word for horse-riding.
Rule of six - The UK government has ruled it illegal for more than six people to gather in a group, with some exemptions. Some scientists have critiqued the rule as arbitrary.
Dissent - To hold or express opinions against a prevailing idea or policy, once used in England and Wales describe those who rejected the Anglican church.
Consent of the governed - The idea that a government's right to use state power is only justified when the people on which such power is exerted give their consent.
John Milton - Milton, who is renowned for his epic poem Paradise Lost, was writing to justify the execution of King Charles I.
Common good - That which is shared and beneficial for all or most members of a community. Many philosophers have provided definitions over the centuries.
Precedent - An earlier event that is seen as an example or guide to be considered in later similar circumstances.
‘Crazy talk’: critics decry Christmas lockdown

Cavalcades - A formal procession, based on the Italian word for horse-riding.
Rule of six - The UK government has ruled it illegal for more than six people to gather in a group, with some exemptions. Some scientists have critiqued the rule as arbitrary.
Dissent - To hold or express opinions against a prevailing idea or policy, once used in England and Wales describe those who rejected the Anglican church.
Consent of the governed - The idea that a government's right to use state power is only justified when the people on which such power is exerted give their consent.
John Milton - Milton, who is renowned for his epic poem Paradise Lost, was writing to justify the execution of King Charles I.
Common good - That which is shared and beneficial for all or most members of a community. Many philosophers have provided definitions over the centuries.
Precedent - An earlier event that is seen as an example or guide to be considered in later similar circumstances.