Are our leaders too old? The climate crisis is a "children’s rights crisis", says aid group UNICEF. Now, for the first time, young people will have an official space at a major climate conference.
Climate crisis puts over 1bn children at risk
Are our leaders too old? The climate crisis is a "children's rights crisis", says aid group UNICEF. Now, for the first time, young people will have an official space at a major climate conference.
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It is 2050. After wading through a flood to get to school, you arrive to learn how to save food in a drought. The windows are closed, keeping at bay wildfire fumes.
One billion children are at "extremely high risk" from these impacts of climate change.1 By 2050, 24 million additional children are expected to be undernourished because of the climate crisis.2
As COP27The 2022 United Nations Climate Change Conference, known as the Conference of the Parties (COP). kicks off this week, children and young people have their first dedicated "pavilion" at the heart of the UNUnited Nations. An intergovernmental organisation based in New York that aims to maintain international peace and security. negotiations.
Should children have more say? This generation of politicians and leaders have had a chance to halt the crisis. Most agree: so far, there has been little success. Last week, the UN environment agency found there was "no credible pathway to 1.5C in place".4
Young activists are ready for radical action - as the School Strike for ClimateAn international movement of school students who skip lessons on Fridays to protest about climate issues. Also known as Fridays for Future. showed.
On the other hand, the solutions to climate change are complex. Older experts have the technical know-how to build genuinely effective solutions. Policies need extensive diplomatic negotiation, financial planning and technological innovation. Maybe young activists should embrace the expertise of older generations here.
Climate change is a global problem. It will affect everyone. This is why many think that above all, climate change policy must be inclusive. People with decades of experience should talk to, and learn from, children too.
Yes: The older generation does not have the same passion for stopping climate change. They should hand over to the people it will truly effect - children.
No: Climate change solutions are scientific and extremely complex. We need the expertise of older academics and experts.
Or... Tackling climate change should involve everyone, combining policy-making expertise with the enthusiasm and passion of the younger generation.
COP27 - The 2022 United Nations Climate Change Conference, known as the Conference of the Parties (COP).
UN - United Nations. An intergovernmental organisation based in New York that aims to maintain international peace and security.
School Strike for Climate - An international movement of school students who skip lessons on Fridays to protest about climate issues. Also known as Fridays for Future.
Climate crisis puts over 1bn children at risk

COP27 - The 2022 United Nations Climate Change Conference, known as the Conference of the Parties (COP).
UN - United Nations. An intergovernmental organisation based in New York that aims to maintain international peace and security.
School Strike for Climate - An international movement of school students who skip lessons on Fridays to protest about climate issues. Also known as Fridays for Future.