Does all change start with language? Some experts believe that we need a whole new set of words if we are to fix the problem of climate change… or crisis… or emergency.
Climate crisis needs new words, say experts
Does all change start with language? Some experts believe that we need a whole new set of words if we are to fix the problem of climate change... or crisis... or emergency.
<h2 class=" eplus-wrapper">What's happening?</h2>
Have you ever felt gwilt after forgetting to water a plant?
The chances are that the answer is yes.
You probably have not heard of the word gwilt. It is a new word submitted to the Bureau of Linguistical Reality, which was set up by two artists to collect new words to talk about climate change.
<h2 class=" eplus-wrapper">Find out more</h2>
Gwilt is the feeling of guilt you get after forgetting to water a dying plant.
The artists believe that if we have new words to talk about how climate change makes us feel, we will be better at dealing with it and finding answers.
<h5 class=" eplus-wrapper">Does all change start with language?</h5>
Yes! To change things we need other people to understand our thoughts and ideas. They can only do that if we have the right words to talk about them.
No! Most people are worried about climate change because they see it, not because they talk about it. And we already have lots of words. Adding new ones will just confuse people.
Climate crisis needs new words, say experts