But are the royals stuck in the past? The royal family have lived in the same way for hundreds of years. Is this really such a bad thing?
Reign of King Charles III opens a new chapter
But are the royals stuck in the past? The royal family have lived in the same way for hundreds of years. Is this really such a bad thing?
<h2 class=" eplus-wrapper">What's happening?</h2>
"In the end, all will be well." It was 1940 and the world was at war. Princess Elizabeth, aged 14, was speaking to Britain.
She never went to school. But in 1952, aged 25, she became Queen.
Life has changed a lot since then. Now, after Queen Elizabeth IIThe monarch of the United Kingdom from 1952 to 2022. has died, some people are asking if Britain still needs a king or queen.
Here are the reasons why some people think the answer is yes:
People cannot choose to become king or queen. They are born into the role. It means that someone who just wants a lot of power cannot choose to take the throne.
The king or queen does their job for their whole life. They can give advice to leaders who do not remember the problems of the past.
When world leaders change, the king or queen stays the same. They make sure that not everything changes at once.
<h2 class=" eplus-wrapper">Find out more</h2>
The queen followed the same lawsRules that everyone must follow. that other people follow. She set an example for everyone.
But are the royals stuck in the past?
Yes! Nobody should be born into a job that is as important as king or queen. The world has changed a lot. It is not the same place it used to be.
No! The Queen used television and social media. The royal family can change with the times.
Queen Elizabeth II - The monarch of the United Kingdom from 1952 to 2022.
Laws - Rules that everyone must follow.
Reign of King Charles III opens a new chapter

Queen Elizabeth II - The monarch of the United Kingdom from 1952 to 2022.
Laws - Rules that everyone must follow.