Is it the world’s most important country? A win against Serbia put Brazil on the path to the World Cup final last night. But the South American country is not just known for football.
Brilliant Brazil sets football world ablaze
Is it the world's most important country? A win against Serbia put Brazil on the path to the World Cup final last night. But the South American country is not just known for football.
<h2 class=" eplus-wrapper">What's happening?</h2>
The crowds in BrazilThe largest country in South America, home to 217 million people. went wild. They had just won their opening match in the World Cup. Many think they will make it to the final and win.
Brazil has won the World Cup five times. The country is known as one of the best at football.
But Brazil is not just about football. It has 217 million people and a huge rainforestA tall, dense forest that receives a lot of rain.. The country's next leader, nicknamed Lula, says he wants to protect the Amazon.
Brazil's economyThe way that money flows through a country, which affects wages and the cost of living. is growing fast. Many tourists visit each year to sit on long, sandy beaches. Some think it could soon be a superpower.
But others warn that Brazil still faces many problems. Many people that live in Brazil are very poor. And their new leader's plan to save the rainforests could mean fewer jobs for miners and farmers.
Is it the world's most important country?
<h2 class=" eplus-wrapper">Find out more</h2>
Yes! Brazil is known for its food, music and football. But soon it could also be known as a world leader on climate, political and economic matters.
No! Brazil still has many problems it must face. Other countries are more important on the world stage.
Brazil - The largest country in South America, home to 217 million people.
Rainforest - A tall, dense forest that receives a lot of rain.
Economy - The way that money flows through a country, which affects wages and the cost of living.
Brilliant Brazil sets football world ablaze

Brazil - The largest country in South America, home to 217 million people.
Rainforest - A tall, dense forest that receives a lot of rain.
Economy - The way that money flows through a country, which affects wages and the cost of living.