But has Harry Potter lost its magic? After just one week, Hogwarts Legacy is already set to be the biggest game of 2023. But not everyone is planning to buy it.
Boy wizard returns in record-breaking game
But has Harry Potter lost its magic? After just one week, Hogwarts Legacy is already set to be the biggest game of 2023. But not everyone is planning to buy it.
<h2 class=" eplus-wrapper">What's happening?</h2>
An 11-year-old boy who suddenly finds out he is a wizard. An invisible train heading straight to a magical boarding school. Lessons about potions, wands and spells.
It has been more than 25 years since the first Harry Potter book hit the shelves. Now, the boy wizard is back.
Hogwarts Legacy, a new video game set in the world of Harry Potter, was released this month. Experts think it will be a bestseller.
<h2 class=" eplus-wrapper">Find out more</h2>
There are a huge number of Harry Potter fans all around the world. Even after 25 years, thousands of people still talk online about the books, films and characters every day. Harry Potter was also popular with people who saw themselves as different, or were bullied like Harry.
But now, some think the series has lost its magic. The Fantastic Beast films, a new series set in the world of Harry Potter, did not impressMake someone admire or think good things. many fans.
Meanwhile, some people online say they will not buy Hogwarts Legacy because they disagree with author JK Rowling's views about transgenderSomeone whose gender identity (what they feel inside) does not match the gender identity they were assigned at birth (based on their biology). people.
<h5 class=" eplus-wrapper">Has Harry Potter lost its magic?</h5>
Yes! Many people say they are planning not to buy Hogwarts Legacy - especially people who do not agree with some of JK Rowling's comments.
No! Harry Potter still has thousands, if not millions, of fans worldwide. The series and its characters have a life of their own. Harry Potter is still magical.
Impress - Make someone admire or think good things.
Transgender - Someone whose gender identity (what they feel inside) does not match the gender identity they were assigned at birth (based on their biology).
Boy wizard returns in record-breaking game

Impress - Make someone admire or think good things.
Transgender - Someone whose gender identity (what they feel inside) does not match the gender identity they were assigned at birth (based on their biology).