Was life better before the internet? A new book explores how our ability to concentrate has fallen as the internet has become a bigger part of our lives.
Average attention span drops to 47 seconds
Was life better before the internet? A new book explores how our ability to concentrate has fallen as the internet has become a bigger part of our lives.
<h2 class=" eplus-wrapper">What's happening?</h2>
In 2004, professor Gloria Mark watched office workers at their computers. She found that the time they spent on each task before switching to something else was just two and a half minutes.
Now, she has run the test again. And today, the time is only 47 seconds.
Most experts agree: with smartphones, computers, social media and lots of distractions, it can be very hard to concentrateFocus. on one thing.
Some have come up with helpful tips to stop the distractions. For example, you can put your phone away for 15 minutes, think about why you are being distracted and try reading on paper.
Teenagers today will not remember a time before the internet. Today, some older people remember it as a better time - without constant emails, online forms and the pressureForce, or something that is making life more difficult. of social media.
Some teenagers today are even choosing to switch off their phones and use pre-internet technology, such as polaroidA small camera that can take, develop and print a photograph in just a few seconds. cameras.
But others point out that the internet has made lots of things easier too - from using maps to talking to people around the world.
<h2 class=" eplus-wrapper">Find out more</h2>
Was life better before the internet?
Yes! The internet means we are constantly distracted - and spend little time in the "real world". Life was much simpler and easier before.
No! We forget about the things that were much more difficult before the internet and smartphones - from looking up information to talking to friends.
Concentrate - Focus.
Pressure - Force, or something that is making life more difficult.
Polaroid - A small camera that can take, develop and print a photograph in just a few seconds.
Average attention span drops to 47 seconds

Concentrate - Focus.
Pressure - Force, or something that is making life more difficult.
Polaroid - A small camera that can take, develop and print a photograph in just a few seconds.