Are we witnessing pop history in the making? Experts say Harry Styles is about to join the ranks of Michael Jackson, Elvis Presley, Mick Jagger and Elton John. What’s his secret?
An all-time great superstar is born
Are we witnessing pop history in the making? Experts say Harry Styles is about to join the ranks of Michael Jackson, Elvis Presley, Mick Jagger and Elton John. What's his secret?
Are we witnessing pop history in the making?
Yes: Absolutely. It does not matter that Styles lacks edge or originality. His sensitivity, positive values and abundant charm make him a superstar for our time - just ask the roaring fans at Brixton.
No: Styles is a talented, charismatic and good-natured star. But he is following in the well-worn footsteps of his 20th Century forebears. Pop will only progress when something completely new takes over.
Or... We can now listen to almost everything all of the time. We should seek out the music that speaks to us personally, rather than caring about what seems important or era-defining to others.
Brixton Academy - A famous music venue in south London housed in a 1920s cinema. Over 50 live albums have been recorded there.
Plaudits - An expression of praise. It comes from the Latin word for applaud, which actors would shout at the end of plays to make the audience clap.
Toxic masculinity - A stereotypical idea of masculinity focused on strength and dominance, common in many cultures, that many believe has a negative effect on society as a whole.
Transgressions - An act that tests the limits of what is morally or socially acceptable. Pop music has a long history of pushing against such limits.
Middle England - A term referring to middle-class people in Britain with conservative views.
An all-time great superstar is born
Brixton Academy - A famous music venue in south London housed in a 1920s cinema. Over 50 live albums have been recorded there.
Plaudits - An expression of praise. It comes from the Latin word for applaud, which actors would shout at the end of plays to make the audience clap.
Toxic masculinity - A stereotypical idea of masculinity focused on strength and dominance, common in many cultures, that many believe has a negative effect on society as a whole.
Transgressions - An act that tests the limits of what is morally or socially acceptable. Pop music has a long history of pushing against such limits.
Middle England - A term referring to middle-class people in Britain with conservative views.