Will Xi Jinping end the war? As Putin steps up his threats to NATO, the search for an end to all the horror is becoming desperate. Some believe there is a ray of hope from China.
America warns China: don't dare help Russia
Will Xi Jinping end the war? As Putin steps up his threats to NATO, the search for an end to all the horror is becoming desperate. Some believe there is a ray of hope from China.
Ever since Vladimir Putin sent over 200,000 troops thundering into Ukraine, there has been one question on everyone's lips. Why?
After all, Ukraine is a vast country with a hostile populace. Russia surely cannot believe that it can occupy it forever.
Some believe it was a simple miscalculation on Putin's part. They suggest he assumed the Ukrainian military would crumble as it did in 014Russian forces seized and then annexed Crimea, part of Ukrainian territory. They also entered eastern Ukraine and engaged Ukrainian soldiers there. . In his mind, the Ukrainian people were disillusioned with their government and would accept - even welcome - a Russian intervention.
Others think the Russian leader is no longer thinking rationally. They wonder whether he has gone insane. Some even suggest he has suffered a stroke.
But a third opinion is starting to emerge. Perhaps, say some, the Russian invasion of Ukraine was not an unforced error. Instead, it was a throw of the dice by a leader who can feel the winds of history changing.
Until 1991, Russia was one of the world's two great superpowers, rivalling the USA for military might and economic power. But since the collapse of the USSRThe United Socialist Soviet Republic, the USA's main rival in the Cold War before it collapsed and broke up into a number of smaller states in 1991., the USA has sat at the head of a unipolar worldA world order where there is only one superpower with no major rivals.. Russia has been downgraded to the status of regional power.
But now, the tectonic plates are shifting once again. The USA is not all-powerful. It is withdrawing from the Middle East and Europe and shifting its gaze towards China.
Putin may have calculated that the age of unipolar world politics is over. And Russia is at risk of being swallowed up in the new rivalry between the USA and China.
Some think he has decided that Russia will only survive if it proves it is still a power to be reckoned with.
The gamble seems to have backfired. Now, Putin might be forced to turn to Chinese President Xi Jinping to save him. Yesterday it was revealed that Russia has asked China for military equipment to aid in the invasion.
In turn, the USA has threatened that China will face "severe consequences" if it helps Russia evade sanctions.
The temptation for Xi is that by bailing out Putin, he could secure the loyalty of the giant on his northern border. Russia still has close economic ties with eastern Europe and central Asia, which could be valuable to China.
On the other hand, Russia is now a global pariah. Only four countries voted with Russia on a motion in the UN General AssemblyThe main policy-making body of the UN comprising all member states. demanding that the country withdraw its forces: North Korea, EritreaA country in the Horn of Africa that won its independence from Ethiopia in 1993. It has one of the worst human rights records in the world., Syria and BelarusBelarus is an eastern European state that is a close ally of Russia. Run by Alexander Lukashenko, it is known as "the last dictatorship in Europe".. All are Russian-aligned rogue statesStates that are considered threats to world peace.. China does not want to risk global unpopularity by siding with this coalition.
Far more appealing would be the idea of brokering a peace deal between Russia and Ukraine. Then Xi can present himself as the grown-up in the room, the only statesman able to calm tensions between a hostile West and a defensive, insecure Russia.
If he succeeds, he could cement China's new place in the international order and deal a body blow to the USA's claim to be the world's moral leader.
<h5 class=" eplus-wrapper">Will Xi Jinping end the war?</h5>
Yes: The Chinese leadership is smart and pragmatic. It can see how much it would benefit China to end this conflict and restore global peace. Expect it to seize the opportunity.
No: China is not trusted as a neutral party in this conflict. And Putin still believes he can beat Ukraine. For as long as these things remain true, Xi Jinping will be unable to broker a deal.
Or... China may or may not be able to end the crisis in Ukraine, but for as long as the West and Russia are at loggerheads, it will be able to present itself as a global peacemaker and win wider support.
2014 - Russian forces seized and then annexed Crimea, part of Ukrainian territory. They also entered eastern Ukraine and engaged Ukrainian soldiers there.
USSR - The United Socialist Soviet Republic, the USA's main rival in the Cold War before it collapsed and broke up into a number of smaller states in 1991.
Unipolar world - A world order where there is only one superpower with no major rivals.
UN General Assembly - The main policy-making body of the UN comprising all member states.
Eritrea - A country in the Horn of Africa that won its independence from Ethiopia in 1993. It has one of the worst human rights records in the world.
Belarus - Belarus is an eastern European state that is a close ally of Russia. Run by Alexander Lukashenko, it is known as "the last dictatorship in Europe".
Rogue states - States that are considered threats to world peace.
America warns China: don’t dare help Russia

2014 - Russian forces seized and then annexed Crimea, part of Ukrainian territory. They also entered eastern Ukraine and engaged Ukrainian soldiers there.
USSR - The United Socialist Soviet Republic, the USA’s main rival in the Cold War before it collapsed and broke up into a number of smaller states in 1991.
Unipolar world - A world order where there is only one superpower with no major rivals.
UN General Assembly - The main policy-making body of the UN comprising all member states.
Eritrea - A country in the Horn of Africa that won its independence from Ethiopia in 1993. It has one of the worst human rights records in the world.
Belarus - Belarus is an eastern European state that is a close ally of Russia. Run by Alexander Lukashenko, it is known as “the last dictatorship in Europe”.
Rogue states - States that are considered threats to world peace.